Launching a Niche Web Design Service for Coaches w/ Carlos Gonzalez

Launching a Niche Web Design Service for Coaches w/ Carlos Gonzalez
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After 8 years of working online for all sorts of clients and doing many different services, Carlos Gonzalez and his partner decided it was time to productize, niche down, and focus on serving one market.

So they launched, a niche web design service for professional coaches.  You’re going to hear my coaching session with Carlos, which took place one week after they launched their new business.

In this coaching call / interview, you’ll hear:

  • How they decided on the coaching niche
  • How (and why) they launched a business targeting the US market, despite being based in Spain
  • Questions about which marketing channels to start with—content marketing, PPC, cold email, or something else?
  • How they can optimize their website and copy to better speak to a coach’s specific pain

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